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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coca Cola Poster

Poster is looking good. Alot better than I thought since it is a conjoined effort. I usually like to work alone when it comes to art but i guess when you have a creative group it's not disasterous. Everyone had some really great input today. So far I have added mine and Erika's Vector Art. I included some art that I have done in previous projects Including Eeeber and the Wave, My pin up girl, the Ice Cream and the Flag are new. Just simple objects. Lawrence and Bud are submitting work soon and I will be working with them to place them correctly so that our poster flows well in its chaos.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Skate Deck finished early. I like to get things done so I have room to fix if neccessary.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Okay, so Ive finished my colors and gradients for my Skate Deck in Photoshop, and it looks wicked :) . I used the Illustrator image as a smart object and colored under it, expanding my selections to hopefully get rid of any white spots...but when I transferred the colors as a background under my vector art...there was white! There's got to be a way! Time for some tutorials, hopefully will post in the next week.

Coca Cola Poster

In Daria's class we were asked to get together in a group and do a Coca Cola Poster. At first we gathered Images and researched the type of ad's Coca-Cola has done in the past, then we sat together and brainstormed some ideas. We decided to go with the classic Coca-Cola bottle and ribbon, inside the bottle we are each compiling our own Vector pieces based on things that make us happy. We felt that Coca-cola is energetic and fun advertising and felt this would best suit the brand as well as allow us all to offer our own artistic vision. In the end it will be a sort of abstract work. We will all import our images then sit together and place in the most design friendly pattern.

This is the background which I gladly volunteered to do. Now we will each work on five images each.

Monday, March 22, 2010


This is the new and improved illustration for my Skate Deck. However, I've had two people tell me that they prefer the dinosaurs....decisions, decisions....I've decided to make them both. I will then decide which one is better and will be posting on Drew Brophy's facebook. It was all he asked in return for me to use his wave art. I LOVE his

Paper Zoo

Got the last Background, all done :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paper Zoo

Just got the ocean background. Still missing the desert...Will have to upload when Andrew uploads it.

Megadalon Poster

A few people had posted their posters and I saw one that was similar to my idea. I was going to use the megadalon jaws as the main element. So I went on a search and found this vector illustration. I decided to keep it simple, just to catch the attention and not give too much information. This way more people would come see the exhibit out of curiousity.

Paper Zoo

Although we were not asked to use color for the animals I thought it would help them stand out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Paper Zoo

Cannot seem to find the backgrounds on blackboard or basecamp so I thought id post our groups background for anyone who would like to start their Savannah scene.

Paper Zoo

Paper Zoo

Since this project is concerned about blogging every step of the process, I have included the final draft of my animal illustrations before opening in illustrator.

Paper Zoo

Paper Zoo

Here I have posted a few sketches of the animals for my paper zoo. I have also included an interesting fact about each. I will be cleaning them up in ink and reposting each on their appropriate background.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Paper Zoo

Got a new assignment today and its going to be so fun! At first we are all going to develop various backgrounds with watercolors. Ie: desert, Rainforset, etc. This will be a class effort and done in groups. Then we are doing our own line art and drawing animals for each area. Ill post my animals as soon as I draw them.

Skate Deck

Also, an update on my Skate deck. I scrapped the cutsey dinosaurs and decided to contrast the wicked nice wave with a massive explosion. I figure a huge meteor hitting earth and causing a tidal wave will tie in with the prehistoric scene, plus...look Waaaaaay cooler. Working on my meteor now, will repost the drawing when im done. Ive completed my wave in illustrator, just waiting to add the meteor and learn the best way to export to photoshop.

Megalodon Poster

Just an update on the Megalodon project. Ive decided to use the jaws of the Megalodon as the primary element in my poster. I have attached the picture I pulled off off google that I am using. I decided that instead of using an actual photo, im going to draw it in Iluustrator and color it in in Photoshop. Im currently learning how best to transfer an illustrator image into Photoshop to add texture. i will be using that same technique for my skate deck art.

Friday, March 12, 2010


These are the sketches for my Skate Deck, First Draft and Detailed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Whoo Hoo! Sooooo excited! We got our Skate Deck assignment and I have my idea drawn out. I was kinda bummed that we had to incorporate a dinosaur theme into our work but it actually works with my idea.

When i heard we were doing this ultra cool skate deck art I immediately thought of Drew Brophy, his boards Rock! Check him out at, he's amazing!

I found Drew on FB and asked if I could use his art as inspiration, he wrote back quickly and gave me the go. He only asked that I post my work on his site when I am done. Ill post my permission today and scan my sketch later.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3D Assignment Complete

This is my lil foul mouthed Robot, he has no arms and lost his head.

These are my Russian Nesting Dolls, I chose a design I found on the internet. There are tons of variations.

And my Robaxacet dude, sadly Robaxacet wont fix this one...

Monday, March 1, 2010

3d Assignment

My Nesting Dolls arent done yet but I figured i'd work on my marionette, while I think of backgrounds for the dolls. This is what I have so far.