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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Internship with Mulberry Media

So I am four days into my internship with 'Mulberry Media' although I am only required to complete 120 hours, I would like to continue working on outside projects even if it surpasses the required hours. I will keep updates on my hours logged and my activities here:

Monday August 23rd:9 1/2 HOURS

Met with Laura James to discuss the projects she has been working on. We are looking at a website and intro for "Paulette Bourgeois" the author of "Franklin". An intro and website for "Mulberry Media" as well as completing an Iphone application for "WeeHands" (A baby sign language company). Once at home I began to work on the Wee Hands project. I decided to try and come up with fun ways to illustrate the objects that would be signed. After a few different approaches we have agreed on a flash sketch. I cannot proceed with the project until we have a definite size for the objects.

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