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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Haunted Castle StoryBoard

The in Class Assignment today was to sketch a storyboard. The options were cars, cigars or castles. (Alliteration had nothing to do with it.) I chose Castles and went ahead to depict an haunting scene of a scottish castle. The idea was based on Fyvie Castle which has many eerie stories

First we pan a vibrant Scottish country side as we zoom in on an immaculate castle. The view is vast and the mood is light. Soon enough we zoom in on the castle and enter the doors, once inside the sound of haunting bagpipes begin very quietly. The trip down the main corridor is framed with a dusty hallway rich with tapestries and elegant statues. The door at the end shudders as we approach.Once inside the room at the end there is a mirror with a faint image of a girl. Suddenly the girl begins to throw her head in agony and screams. The mirror cracks and a deafening scratching sound directs our attention to the left where we see letters being etched into the window frame. The camera zooms and turns to see the name Lillias. Presumably the name of the tortured ghost we have just encountered.

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