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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Interactive Book

School is almost finished and I just wont feel complete until I breathe life into at least one of my storybooks.
If you have seen earlier posts in my blog you may have seen that I have been working on a book called "I'm Scared", its been a work in progress for a number of years. Initially I wanted to learn more about difital art to help me produce and publish my books. I love writing poetry and especially for children. After taking DMA I not only gained skills in Illustrator but I realized that I don't have to make a regular static books either, mine could be so much more.

With school combined with my Internship I have alot on my plate, but i'm determined to get this thing off the ground.

I have included some of the images I have so far. I have mapped out my story and what must happen throughout. Some of the backgrounds as well as rollovers and interactive buttons. Once this list was compiled I had an idea of the assets I would need. I have included what I have put together so far:

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