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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Skate Deck

My Skate deck is finally finished. I am submitting it tomorrow and will be taking a picture as soon as it is returned. Here I have posted the colors I used in my design as well as the costs and time spent on this project:

Wednesday April 18th

-Skate deck Assignment is coming up and I would really like to incorporate Drew Brophy's surf art into my design. I'm not exactly sure what the spec are yet but hopefully I can use some of his stuff. In preparation I have added Drew on my Face book and have written on his wall asking permission to use his art if I choose. Within hours I received a response and was given permission. (Permission screen shot posted on blog) TIME: 15 mins

Thursday March 11th

-Got Assignment today, the theme is prehistoric. I'm not really into dinosaurs but I have a really cool idea of how to tie the theme into Brophy's art. Began drawing out my idea. TIME: 2 1/2 Hours

Thursday March 12th

- Retracing and drawing my idea. TIME: 2 Hours

Thursday March 18th

- Began redrawing my sketch with a Meteor. TIME: 1 1/2 hours

- Began tracing my illustration in Illustrator. TIME: 6 hours

Sunday March 21st

- Researching how best to color in my Skate Deck. TIME: 3 hours

- Working on design sporadically throughout the week. TIME: 3 Hours

Monday March 29th

Skate deck ready and sent to printers.

Wednesday April 7th

- Realised that I did not incorporate a texture into my design. Began researching how to do this. TIME: 1 Hour

- Applying texture. TIME: 2 Hours

Saturday April 10th

- Picked up my sticker and my deck today and applied sticker. The sky and wave are too dark and I could Have mounted it better. COST inc transportation: $72.00 TIME: 3 Hours

Monday April 19th

- Picked up new sticker. Cost inc Transportation: $6.00 (Sticker was free because of a long wait and technical difficulties) TIME: 3 Hours

Tuesday April 20th

- Mounted New Sticker. TIME: 45 mins

TOTAL TIME: 28 Hours

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Scared Cover

This semester is almost over and I have decided to use the skills I have acquired thus far and begin illustrating my children's book. I will submit each page once it is completed with illustration and text, the colors I will finish at the end.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Skate Deck

Got my sticker today and applied it to my board, I didnt like it. The water and the Sky are too dark. I have applied a texture to my water that lightens it up and makes it much more interesting. I will be reprinting my sticker. This is my new textured design.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Took Joe's advice and added to my Eeeber Illustration...


Just sent off my Skate Deck to the printers! Also got word back from Drew Brophy about the Artwork on my Facebook...