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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Skate Deck

My Skate deck is finally finished. I am submitting it tomorrow and will be taking a picture as soon as it is returned. Here I have posted the colors I used in my design as well as the costs and time spent on this project:

Wednesday April 18th

-Skate deck Assignment is coming up and I would really like to incorporate Drew Brophy's surf art into my design. I'm not exactly sure what the spec are yet but hopefully I can use some of his stuff. In preparation I have added Drew on my Face book and have written on his wall asking permission to use his art if I choose. Within hours I received a response and was given permission. (Permission screen shot posted on blog) TIME: 15 mins

Thursday March 11th

-Got Assignment today, the theme is prehistoric. I'm not really into dinosaurs but I have a really cool idea of how to tie the theme into Brophy's art. Began drawing out my idea. TIME: 2 1/2 Hours

Thursday March 12th

- Retracing and drawing my idea. TIME: 2 Hours

Thursday March 18th

- Began redrawing my sketch with a Meteor. TIME: 1 1/2 hours

- Began tracing my illustration in Illustrator. TIME: 6 hours

Sunday March 21st

- Researching how best to color in my Skate Deck. TIME: 3 hours

- Working on design sporadically throughout the week. TIME: 3 Hours

Monday March 29th

Skate deck ready and sent to printers.

Wednesday April 7th

- Realised that I did not incorporate a texture into my design. Began researching how to do this. TIME: 1 Hour

- Applying texture. TIME: 2 Hours

Saturday April 10th

- Picked up my sticker and my deck today and applied sticker. The sky and wave are too dark and I could Have mounted it better. COST inc transportation: $72.00 TIME: 3 Hours

Monday April 19th

- Picked up new sticker. Cost inc Transportation: $6.00 (Sticker was free because of a long wait and technical difficulties) TIME: 3 Hours

Tuesday April 20th

- Mounted New Sticker. TIME: 45 mins

TOTAL TIME: 28 Hours

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